Rolf Gustavsson
Förlorare är hela det europeiska politiska ledarskap som arbetat fram och undertecknat förslaget till konstitutionellt fördrag.

Anne Applebaum Washington Post

När spricker EMU?

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The foreign secretary has in the past come to the House of Commons to praise the European constitution;
today he will come to try to bury it.

The writer is shadow chancellor of the exchequer and Conservative MP for Tatton
George Osborne Financial Times 7/6 2005

In 1991 the eurozone economy was 12 per cent smaller than the US economy, according to the International Monetary Fund's World Economic Outlook; but next year it is forecast to be 29 per cent smaller.

They call it "social Europe" or tax harmonisation, but I have never understood the "social" benefits of 19m unemployed or the harmony of higher taxes.

The EU constitution is dead and with it, I hope, the ambitions of European federalism. Let us use this opportunity to build a Union of competing nation states, brought together in a single market and committed to free trade. Then we will see the jobs, investment and economic growth that the people of Europe are crying out for.

Friends, Romans, Countrymen... I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him;

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