Maktövergepp mot journalist, Björn von der Esch, SvD Brännpunkt 2006
Going to Bed in Brussels, Waking Up in a Police State, Hans-Martin Tillack, Wall Street Journal 2004
Inga-Britt Ahlenius
Regeringen bör bekämpa EU-förslag som står i strid med svensk grundlag
GP 6/1 2003
Enligt Tidningsutgivarnas mening är bestämmelsen direkt oförenlig med svensk grundlag, då den, om den genomförs, skulle sätta den svenska tryck- och yttrandefrihetslagstiftningen ur spel.
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Hans-Martin Tillack
German reporter Hans-Martin Tillack's claim that the European Commission punished him for exposing EU fraud by using the Belgian police to snatch his files has not been proved,
EU courts in Luxembourg ruled
EU Observer 4/10 2006
The decision clears the way for the EU-anti fraud office, OLAF, to examine the reporter's contact books - currently in Belgian police hands - in its hunt for an internal leak that helped Mr Tillack break major stories about EU corruption back in 2002.
It is also set to discourage other people from bringing similar accusations against non-transparent forms of cooperation between the EU anti-fraud authorities and national police.
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