"Skandaler"Inga-Britt Ahlenius - Marta Andreasen - Giulio Andreotti - Jose Manuel Barroso - Jacques Barrot - Silvio Berlusconi- Paul van Buitenen - Bernard Connolly - Edith Cresson - Eurostat - Neil Kinnock - Helmut Kohl - Romano Prodi - Herman Van Rompuy - Linda Steneberg -Sterns Brysselkorrespondent, Hans-Martin Tillick - Jean-Claude Trichet - Bild has a very critical story on the new European Council building to be used as Herman Van Rompuy’s presidential offices and as the venue of EU summits from 2014 onwards. The paper and many experts it quotes find it outrageous to build new headquarters for €290m ![]() Herman Van Rompuy lät till pilgrimsmusslorna cirkulera en flott broschyr på 14 sidor med bilder av Europeiska rådets nya högkvarter som skall stå färdigt om tre år. "Den 1 december 2001 beslutar Europeiska rådet att dess möten hädanefter ska hållas i Bryssel. Detta beslut, liksom utvidgningen av Europeiska unionen och senare institutionella utveckling, gör det nödvändigt att anpassa Europeiska rådets fastighetsarrangemang." EUROPA: EN BYGGNAD FÖR EUROPEISKA RÅDETWelthauptstadt Germania Wikipedia For references to Rome, Constantinople, London and New York City as world capitals, see Caput Mundi. Skattefritt? Enligt Skatteutskottets ordförande, Lennart Hedquist (M)är hela riksdagen inne på linjen att sådana extra ersättningar ska beskattas, men det råder delade meningar om huruvida det är juridiskt möjligt. Så blir ni miljonärer, EU-parlamentariker Skandal skakar underhuset Det finns groteska exempel på hur EU-parlamentets ledamöter har brukat pengar de får för att betala assistenter. Nils Lundgren, ledamot för junilistan och vice ordförande i parlamentets utskott för budgetkontroll, talar om "groteska exempel". Rapporten har synat 167 slumpvis utvalda betalningar som ledamöter gjort för att betala för assistenttjänster och annan administrativ hjälp i sitt politiska arbete.
Hälften kvar Latvia's prime minister earns far less than Latvians in Brussels Lord Mandelson is still paid £8,600 a month by the EU despite leaving his Brussels post two years ago and earning hundreds of thousands in royalties. www.telegraph.co.uk Among the ex-Commissioners still receiving salaries are ... 17 former Commissioners still receive €96,000 per year in allowances from EU despite new private sector jobs EU President to cost taxpayers over £20m a year European lawmakers want to see Jose Manuel Barroso grilled over a scandal involving funds to his Social Democratic Party in Portugal The total cost of constructing the parliament buildings in Brussels is now close to €1 billion ($1.2 billion) I tidningsrubriker ser det nu ut som om hela Europakommissionen
är ett enda stort näste av ineffektivitet och korruption. Men det
är en felaktig bild. Det finns betydande problem, även om dessa av
allt att döma blivit en bra bit mindre under senare år, och
även om det finns åtskilligt kvar att göra. Sverige får tillbaka väldigt lite av de närmare 200 miljarder som vi har betalt i medlemsavgift sedan vi gick med i EU 1995, uppger SVT:s Aktuellt. Under de första tio åren i EU har svenska skattebetalare betalat in 195 miljarder kr i medlemsavgift. Återflödet i form av olika bidrag har varit 85 miljarder. Skillnaden är 110 miljarder kr. Regeringen hjälpte den före detta socialdemokratiske statssekreteraren och Så mycket tjänar de svenska
EU-topparna EU-tjänstemän tjänar 90 000 kr/månad efter skatt Inga-Britt Ahlenius och den svenska stalinistiska historieskrivningen Fallet Inga-Britt Ahlenius. Hon arbetar med att bygga upp revisionen i Kosovo, efter att först ha varit med och avsatt en korrumperad EU-kommission och därefter gett Sverige en riksrevision värd namnet. Petad från jobbet som svensk riksrevisor men nominerad till jobbet som världsrevisor. Säger det möjligen någonting om utnämningspolitiken här i landet? Två intressanta frågor: EU vill inte ha Ahlenius Regeringen försökte placera Inga-Britt Ahlenius
på Linda Stenebergs förra jobb som chef för EU-kommissionens
kontor i Stockholm. Men kommissionen tackade nej. Regeringen vill att
Inga-Britt Ahlenius efterträder Linda Steneberg som chef för
EU-kommissionens Stockholmskontor. Men EU-kommissionen vill inte ha henne.
According to Dutch daily De Volkskrant on Saturday (4 December), a police raid in September 2003 revealed dangerous abuses of environmental and safety standards However, documents from the Dutch Justice Ministry, obtained by the paper, show that the Dutch government hindered further judicial investigations against the plant. The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs allegedly feared a diplomatic conflict with the European Commission. The Commission had stated in a series of letters to the Dutch authorities that it would find prosecution of the Petten plant staff unacceptable, as Commission employees working at Petten possess legal immunity in the Netherlands. "this particular document is embarrassing. Very
embarrassing." And that embarrassment has all to do with the removal last year of Marta Andreasen, who was hired as chief accountant to shake up the EU's inscrutable and deeply flawed system of budgetary control and accounting, but who eventually found herself suspended for going public with her misgivings over the Commission's accounting methods. It now transpires that shortly before she was asked to leave, Neil Kinnock, the commissioner in charge of internal reform, asked Mr Muis to provide an analysis of the proposals put forward by Ms Andreasen. Mr Muis found that "the substance of Ms Andreasen's communications so far seem factually substantive and correct. EU-kommissionär pressas om
avstängning EU:s personalansvarige kommissionär Neil Kinnock var i blåsväder på måndagen. Anledningen var den chef vid EU:s budgetavdelning, som avstängdes i våras, sedan hon gått ut och kritiserat bristen på säkerhet och ordning inom kommissionen. Kritiska och stundtals upprörda ledamöter av EU-parlamentet ville ha svar på frågor. Bakgrunden till utfrågningen är att Neil Kinnock är en av dem som avstängt en chef vid kommissionens budgetavdelning, Marta Andreasen. Detta sedan hon gått till EU:s revisorer och parlamentet och sagt att säkerheten vid kommissionens budgetavdelning är så dålig att det finns stor risk för fusk och fel, trots att där hanteras 900 miljarder kronor under ett år. Gårdagens utfrågning i budgetkontrolluskottet var ovanlig. Normalt är sådana artiga och avslagna. Men inte den här gången, och en liten stund var det osäkert om Neil Kinnock ens ville fortsätta eftersom han tyckte att han inte fick chansen att svara. Hård revisorskritik mot EU-kommissionen
EU:s revisionsrätt riktar i sin kommande granskning svidande kritik mot de bokföringssystem och den säkerhet som omgärdar EU-kommissionens hantering av pengar. Revisorerna säger just det som en av de högsta cheferna sa i våras. För det stängdes hon av och hotas av disciplinära straff. EU:s revisionsrätt riktar i sin kommande granskning svidande kritik mot de bokföringssystem och den säkerhet som omgärdar EU-kommissionens hantering av pengar. Revisorerna säger just det som en av de högsta cheferna sa i våras. För det stängdes hon av och hotas av disciplinära straff. Ekot har läst ett utkast till den granskningsrapport som revisorerna just nu håller på att ställa samman, och som blir offentlig senare i höst. Revisorerna är ovanligt fräna i sina formuleringar. Det heter bland annat att kommissionen aldrig tagit fram någon strategi för att tackla de många problemen med bokföringen och kontrollen. Saker flyter utan styrning En av de tidigare cheferna vid budgetavdelningen beskrivs som en person som låter saker flyta utan styrning och utan någon strategi för att minska problemen. Kommissionen har helt misslyckats med att införa ett system för bokföringen för alla avdelningar. Det här är ett slöseri med offentliga medel, enligt revisorerna, som också säger att de ansvariga struntat i bokföringsstandard som är normal på andra håll. Det här är självklart också i normala fall dyster läsning för de ansvariga i kommissionen. Just nu blir den extra dyster. För i våras gick en av de nyanställda cheferna vid budgetavdelningen ut och sa i stort sett samma sak. Rutinerna, datorerna och systemen är så dåliga att det finns risk för fusk och fel. För det omplacerades Marta Andreasen, sedermera avstängdes hon helt. Hennes argument får starkt stöd av den oberoende granskning som blir offentlig senare i höst. EC accused of budget cover-up Neil Kinnock's crusade to clean up the European Commission was thrown into question yesterday by claims that he tried to suppress damning findings by its former chief accountant. Marta Andreasen, 47, who alleges that she was harassed and subjected to a campaign of character assassination by senior Brussels officials, warned that the EC was still massively open to fraud. She spoke of "the dangerous failing at the heart of the system . . . a complete lack of compliance with basic and minimum accepted accounting standards . . . and a great deal of incompetence". Whisper who dares The European Commission seems to regard criticism of itself and its procedures as an alarming impertinence. When its own chief accountant, Marta Andreasen, refused to sign off its annual accounts for 2001 on the grounds that she had found parts of its budget management process to be "out of control", she was suspended from her post and exposed to a whispering campaign that impugned her competence and her character. She has claimed that she was victimised for pointing out the weaknesses of an accounting system that failed to comply with "basic and minimum accounting standards". Now a leaked draft paper from the EU court of auditors supports Mrs Andreasen's allegations. In January, she was appointed to the EC, labouring under the long-winded title of "budget execution director and accounting officer", paid a salary of 125,000 euros (£80,000). Remarkably, she was the first professional accountant appointed to this role. Daily Telegraph Accounting controls on EU budget
'unreliable' The 1999 and 2000 annual reports by the court of auditors criticised the Commission's Sincom 2 accounting system but the damning new paper suggests that serious problems persist. In constructing this system, "no account has been taken of generally accepted accounting standards, mainly double-entry book-keeping" /dubbel italiensk bokföring, uppfunnen, the report said. Moreover, the final data it produces may be inconsistent, so that a single line of expenditure can have two different values. Commission officials said the paper might never be published because it "contained inaccuracies and the tone of the language was inappropriate". She faces the sack for taking her gripes outside the Commission - to members of the European parliament - and for "defaming" senior Commission officials by alleging that the new financial regulations would be more open to fraud. It all sounds familiar to Bernard Connolly, a former high-flyer at the Commission, sacked in 1996 for writing a book about the Brussels executive called The Rotten Heart of Europe. "Like Marta Andreasen, I was labelled eccentric, out of touch with reality, a troublemaker," he says. This week's events have prompted some to wonder whether Mr Kinnock's promised new era of financial transparency and openness in Brussels has yet truly arrived. A court of appeal in Sicily has cleared former Italian Prime
Minister Giulio Andreotti of complicity with the Mafia. Mr Andreotti, 84, is a leading figure of Italian post-war politics, having served seven times as prime minister. Andreotti cleared of murder Jacques Barrot Jacques Barrot, France's freshly appointed European commissioner, came under attack on Thursday after it was revealed he was given a suspended prison sentence in 2000 following a funding scandal involving his political party. Nigel Farage, who is the European parliamentary leader of the UK Independence party, on Thursday said Mr Barrot should not be allowed to join the EU executive as transport commissioner after having received a suspended eight-month sentence in 2000 for his involvement in the funding scam. Upon receiving the conviction, however, Mr Barrot then qualified for a presidential amnesty which also made it illegal to make any public mention of the conviction under French law. Italian Prime Minister Silvio
Berlusconi has made a dramatic court appearance to defend himself against
corruption charges. Mr Berlusconi, accused of bribing judges over a business
deal in the 1980s, told the packed Milan court that the chief prosecution
witness was a compulsive liar. Paul van Buitenen, revisorn som avsatte EU-Kommissionen Marta Andreasen faces the sack for taking her gripes outside the Commission - to members of the European parliament - and for "defaming" senior Commission officials by alleging that the new financial regulations would be more open to fraud. It all sounds familiar to Bernard Connolly, a former high-flyer at the Commission, sacked in 1996 for writing a book about the Brussels executive called The Rotten Heart of Europe. "Like Marta Andreasen, I was labelled eccentric, out of touch with reality, a troublemaker," he says. Pedro Solbes, the European Union monetary
affairs commissioner, is battling to save his job amid growing calls from
members of the European Parliament for him to be held responsible for the
financial scandal at the EU's statistics office. MEPs have hit out at Mr Solbes' apparent inability to exert control over Eurostat, for which he is directly responsible, and where investigators claim to have uncovered a "vast enterprise of looting" of public funds. According to Stern, a German news
magazine, at least one Commissioner - the Vice-President of the Commission Neil
Kinnock - was knowledgeable of apparent wrongdoing at Eurostat, much earlier
than first assumed, or admitted by Commissioners. A letter dated 1 January 2002 and obtained by Stern apparently shows the Vice-President of the Commission Neil Kinnock referring to an investigation into the affairs of one of the sub-contractors involved in the alleged fraud at Eurostat. Scandal at Eurostat If there is one thing to which the European Commission should by now be hyper-sensitive, it is suggestions of fraud. Yet the scandal involving serious allegations at Eurostat, its statistics arm, shows how far the Commission has still to go to eliminate the sloppy procedures and secretive culture that have done so much to damage its reputation. Better late than never, Romano Prodi, the Commission president, has taken steps he says are "drastic" but "indispensable". Eurostat's director-general has been replaced and faces disciplinary action, along with two other directors. Six other directors have been moved temporarily to other duties. A task force will seek to discover how deep the problems at the Luxembourg-based agency go. The allegations are serious in their own right. Equally worrying is what the affair says about Brussels' mechanisms for investigation. Despite efforts by Mr Prodi's Commission to usher in a more transparent culture, officials tried to deal with it without involving their political bosses. An audit report was passed to Olaf more than three years ago but not given to Michaele Schreyer, budget commissioner, until May this year. Olaf itself took far too long to produce rather limited evidence. And commissioners allowed this state of affairs to arise without asking too many questions. At a hastily arranged meeting on Wednesday (9 July), administrative reform Commissioner Neil Kinnock and his monetary affairs colleague Pedro Solbes told the European Parliament that Eurostat offices had been raided the night before and all its files secured. The Commission acted after receiving two reports on Monday
providing evidence that "serious wrong-doing on a much more widespread scale
than previously thought may have taken place". Hur mycket visste Romano Prodi och tre andra
kommissionärer -Neil Kinnock, Pedro Solbes och Michaele Schreyer- om de
ekonomiska oegentligheterna på EU:S statistikmyndighet Eurostat?
Two high-ranking officials in Eurostat, the
EU statistical office, "this particular document is embarrassing. Very
embarrassing." And that embarrassment has all to do with the removal last year of Marta Andreasen, who was hired as chief accountant to shake up the EU's inscrutable and deeply flawed system of budgetary control and accounting, but who eventually found herself suspended for going public with her misgivings over the Commission's accounting methods. It now transpires that shortly before she was asked to leave, Neil Kinnock, the commissioner in charge of internal reform, asked Mr Muis to provide an analysis of the proposals put forward by Ms Andreasen. Mr Muis found that "the substance of Ms Andreasen's communications so far seem factually substantive and correct. EU-kommissionär pressas om avstängning EU:s personalansvarige kommissionär Neil Kinnock var i blåsväder på måndagen. Anledningen var den chef vid EU:s budgetavdelning, som avstängdes i våras, sedan hon gått ut och kritiserat bristen på säkerhet och ordning inom kommissionen. Kritiska och stundtals upprörda ledamöter av EU-parlamentet ville ha svar på frågor. Romano Prodi and three senior European commissioners will on Tuesday be drawn into the biggest financial scandal since the last Commission was forced to resign in disgrace in 1999. This behaviour falls well short of the
promises of zero tolerance of fraud and protection for whistle-blowers that
this commission headed by Romano Prodi made when it took over from the
disgraced Santer commission in 1999. The European Commission has finally come up with its version of the course of the investigation into widening fraud allegations at Eurostat, the European Union's statistics agency. The three commissioners most directly involved - Pedro Solbes with line responsibility for Eurostat operations, Michaele Schreyer in charge of the EU financial control and Neil Kinnock with responsibility for internal administration - yesterday appeared before the European parliament. From their statements, it seems the sorry saga is more one of buck-passing and cock-up within the EU executive than of conspiracy or cover-up. Even so, this behaviour falls well short of the promises of zero tolerance of fraud and protection for whistle-blowers that this commission headed by Romano Prodi made when it took over from the disgraced Santer commission in 1999. The Commission has come badly out of the Eurostat affair, and at a delicate time, just when its future is up for negotiation in the EU's constitutional revision. By its handling of the Eurostat affair, the Commission has scarcely strengthened its case for its role to be extended. Hur mycket visste Romano Prodi och tre
andra kommissionärer -Neil Kinnock, Pedro Solbes och Michaele Schreyer- om
de ekonomiska oegentligheterna på EU:S statistikmyndighet Eurostat?
Tidningen Financial Times uppger idag att de fyra kommissionärerna visste betydligt mer än vad de har medgivit. Trots tidigare löften om att utrota korruptionen har kommissionärerna förhållit sig passiva när de fick varningar, skriver Financial Times. Romano Prodi and three senior European
commissioners will on Tuesday be drawn into the biggest financial scandal since
the last Commission was forced to resign in disgrace in 1999. The Financial Times has learnt that Mr Prodi, Commission president, and at least three other commissioners knew more than they have so far admitted about a growing scandal at Eurostat, the Commission's statistical arm. In spite of promising to stamp out fraud and protect whistleblowers, Mr Prodi's team failed to act decisively in the face of warnings about wrongdoing.French prosecutors have now opened a preliminary criminal investigation into events at Eurostat, where the Commission's own fraud investigators found evidence of "a vast enterprise of looting of EU funds". Yves Franchet, Eurostat's top civil servant, and Daniel Byk, a director, are suspected by the Olaf fraud team of having set up "entirely or in part" the system that allowed public money to be siphoned off using a secret bank account in Luxembourg. Both Mr Franchet and Mr Byk deny setting up the account, depositing money in it or in any way enriching themselves. Euro-parliamentarians will demand that the Commission shed light tomorrow on the recent fraud allegations surrounding the EU's statistical office, Eurostat, where two of its high officials have been accused of looting EU funds. Budget Commissioner Michaele Schreyer, Administrative
Reform Commissioner Neil Kinnock and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Pedro
Solbes, will appear before the Budgetary Control Committee to answer questions
by MEPs. Är Prodi en hederlig "mr Clean"? Allmänheten i Sverige och andra EU-länder har de
senaste veckorna fått klart för sig att det saknas politiska organ
Maktövergepp mot journalist Belgisk polis grep på fredagen den
tyska tidskriften Sterns Brysselkorrespondent, Hans-Martin Tillick, som
avslöjat hemliga uppgifter från EU:s bedrägeribyrå, Olaf.
Reportern greps i sitt hem på morgonen och fördes till sitt kontor där han låstes in medan polisen genomförde en husrannsakan. Lådvis med papper ur hans arkiv beslagstogs och Tillick tilläts varken kontakta sin arbetsgivare i Hamburg eller en advokat. I Belgien existerar inget källskydd som ger myndighetspersoner rätt att lämna ut hemliga uppgifter till journalister. Tvärtom eftersöks alla läckor noggrannt, och att läcka uppgifter kan både vara brottsligt och skälig grund för avsked. Going to Bed in Brussels, Waking Up in a Police State
BRUSSELS -- I was still fast asleep when my doorbell rang last Friday at seven o'clock in the morning. Still very drowsy, I opened the door wearing a T-shirt and boxer shorts, baffled to discover six Belgian policemen standing in front of me, ready to serve a search warrant for my apartment and office. Apparently, I was suspected of having bribed an EU official in order to obtain secret documents from the EU's anti-fraud unit -- documents linked to the so-called "Van Buitenen dossier". When I complained, one police officer tried to comfort me by pointing out how "lucky" I was not to be in Burma. "There, journalists get treated much worse," he said with a straight face. The police then drove me in an old Ford to my office and asked for the documents linked to this case. I refused and reminded them that only recently the European Court of Human Rights had condemned Belgium once more for violating fundamental civil liberties, such as the freedom of expression and the right of journalists to protect their sources. The policemen didn't seem to have heard of these rulings. Instead, they not only confiscated the file they initially had sought but took away (almost) all of my files. They needed 17 boxes and one container to carry all the material, which the Daily Telegraph calls "the greatest archive of investigative files of any journalist working in Brussels." Now this archive is in the hands of the Belgian police. No charges have been brought against me and yet I won't get access to my files until next week, when I might be allowed to take some of the documents out of a sealed police room. My lawyer has in the meantime filed a complaint and demanded the immediate release of all confiscated material, including any copies that may have been made. To recapitulate: Olaf made criminal allegations against me without having a shred of evidence, simply on the basis of rumors. It then referred the "case" to the Belgian police, which confiscated my files and interrogated me in the hope of finding something to back up the rumors. I'm not so sure anymore whether Burma can be really that much worse. Many EU officials have been suspected of corruption in recent years. But to my knowledge, none of them had six policemen ringing their doorbells in a dawn raid. Millions of euros went missing in the Eurostat case. But Olaf acted only after the press took up the case. Now, when asked about the allegations against me, Olaf leaves the possibility open that even something as trivial as an invitation to a restaurant might constitute an act of bribery. Is this what Mr. Prodi had in mind when he talked about "zero tolerance" toward fraud? It seems that, at least for Olaf, the most dangerous fraudster in Brussels is me. Trichet frikänd av fransk
domstol Bank of France Governor Jean-Claude Trichet has been acquitted in a banking scandal trial removing a major stumbling block to him becoming the next president of the European Central Bank. Trichet, who is favorite to succeed Dutchman Wim Duisenberg, had been charged with falsifying accounts at former state-owned bank Credit Lyonnias. The outright acquittal clears the way for European Union governments to confirm Trichet as successor to Duisenberg at their next meeting in Greece next week. French President Jacques Chirac secured Trichet's job at the ECB, which sets rates for the 12-nations that form the eurozone, at a European Union summit in May 1998 after threatening to block Duisenberg's appointment. EU leaders agreed that Duisenberg would step down in favor of a Frenchman before his eight-year mandate ended in 2006. Duisenberg agreed to stay on at the bank in April as the judge considered his verdict after a six-week trial. Trichet was head of the French treasury at the time of the government rescue of Credit Lyonnais, believed to have cost taxpayers more than 100 billion francs ($14 billion). The succession at Europe's central bank
could be decided in a Paris courtroom on Wednesday as a fraud case that could
make or break Bank of France Governor Jean-Claude Trichet comes to a close.
French Magistrates to Place ECB's Trichet Under Investigation Tyskar och fransmän kohandlar om IMF och ECB mot USA EU-kommissionär pressas om
avstängning Hård revisorskritik mot EU-kommissionen
EC accused of budget cover-up Accounting controls on EU budget 'unreliable'
EU vill inte ha Ahlenius Så mycket tjänar de svenska
EU-topparna . I EU skrattar de när de hör vad svenska tjänstemän tjänar.Vi är ett låglöneland inom EU, säger Per Nordström på utrikesdepartementet.En sekreterare på en EU-institution tjänar ungefär lika mycket som en UD-tjänsteman som nått en mellanchefsnivå och jobbat i 25 år. Inte nog med att EU-tjänstemännen har höga löner. Tillägg och förmåner är dessutom ordentligt tilltagna. Levnadsstandarden när jag jobbade i Bryssel var mycket hög. Det var något vi talade en hel del om. Dessutom är fackföreningsrörelserna väldigt starka. De strejkar och ser till att tjänstemännen får alla möjliga olika bidrag. Resebidrag, bidrag för barn upp till 26 år och betalda skolavgifter till exempel, säger Lotta Salford, tidigare på EU-kommissionen. Förmånerna är flera. Utöver grundlön har tjänstemännen rätt till alla möjliga tillägg. Utlandstillägg, familjetillägg, undervisningstillägg och resetillägg är bara några exempel. Totalt får de ut tusentals kronor extra. Har de klättrat lite i hierarkin rör det sig om tiotusentals kronor. Fakta: Så mycket tjänar svenskarna på EU:s toppositioner varje månad Margot Wallström, EU-kommissionär Grundlön: 154 000 kr. Extratillägg: Cirka 37 000 kr. Lars Tobisson, Ledamot av revisionsrätten Lön: Erhåller mellan 110 000 och 140 000 kronor i månaden. Extratillägg: Cirka 25 000 kr/mån. Held to account The European Commission is often knocked for being a bureaucracy frozen in the 1950s, but few would have suspected its methods could be so archaic. Five hundred years after it was first used in Europe, double-entry book-keeping has still not penetrated parts of the Brussels machinery. Fotnot RE: Enligt Nationalencyklopedien är det system vi i dag förknippar med bokföring - den s.k. dubbla bokföringen - som växte fram i de italienska stadsstaterna under tidig medeltid. Historiskt material visar att dubbel bokföring användes bl.a. i Florens i slutet av 1200-talet. EU vill inte ha Ahlenius Regeringen försökte placera Inga-Britt Ahlenius på Linda Stenebergs förra jobb som chef för EU-kommissionens kontor i Stockholm. Men kommissionen tackade nej. Regeringen vill att Inga-Britt Ahlenius efterträder Linda Steneberg som chef för EU-kommissionens Stockholmskontor. Men EU-kommissionen vill inte ha henne. Hon är överkvalificerad. Det är känt att generaldirektör Inga-Britt Ahlenius på Riksrevisionsverket har sökt regeringens stöd för ett internationellt toppjobb. Men hittills har Ahlenius gått lottlös och i mellantiden sitter hon kvar på sitt treåriga mandat som verkschef. I dag vill Inga-Britt Ahlenius inte tala om sina kommande arbetsuppgifter. I en intervju i Aftonbladet den 23 december förra året sa Ahlenius att hon väntade på att den EU- tjänst som hon ville ha skulle utlysas externt, men hon ville inte avslöja vilket jobb det var. Representationskontoret i Stockholm har sedan Linda Steneberg lämnade i höstas stått utan chef. Nu är Steneberg ansvarig för alla representationskontoren i medlemsländerna. Stockholmsposten anses knepig att tillsätta, eftersom den svenska opinionen är kritisk. Press- och informationstjänsten på kommissionen försöker ändra karaktär på representationskontoren: Vi söker inte en person på ambassadörsnivå, utan en person som är skicklig arbetsledare och som kan hantera media. Detta är en post på tjänstemannanivå, som inte regeringen tillsätter utan kommissionen själv, säger Jonathan Faull, ansvarig för kommissionens presstjänst, som representationskontoret lyder under. Sveriges EU-ambassadör, Gunnar Lund, har flera gånger varit i kontakt med Jonathan Faull om Stockholmskontoret. Han har klagat på den långdragna proceduren att tillsätta tjänsten. Bedrägeriutredning pågår Han säger att det är ett mycket viktigt jobb, för att sprida information om EU i Sverige. Personen ska känna Sverige och svenskt politiskt system väl och ha ett engagemang för Europa, anser Lund. Bedrägeriutredningen om Stockholmskontorets misstänkta svarta löner, som avslöjades i höstas, går mot sitt slut. Det kommer att behövas ytterligare ett par veckor, säger Nils Fellqvist på länskriminalen. Linda Steneberg Linda Steneberg har skrivit " Demokrati,
subsidiaritet och regionernas Europa" 65 hemliga sidor som Du inte skulle få läsa När ska de begripa i Bryssel DN-ledare
2000-10-23 Linda Steneberg skriver brev Linda Steneberg, chef för EU-kommissionens kontor i Sverige, skrev till talman Birgitta Dahl om att svenska riksdagsmän kritiserat EU-tjänstemännens höga löner. EUeliternas Europa EU-anställda i Sverige har skyhöga löner och betalar bara cirka 15 procent i skatt. Chefen för EU-kommissionens kontor, Linda Steneberg, har 61 137 kronor netto per månad, liksom chefen för EU-parlamentets kontor, Christian Andersson, avslöjar Aftonbladet (4/4). Linda Steneberg - För tre år sedan avslöjades det att hon och andra tjänstemän vid EU-kommissionens och EU-parlamentets kontor i Stockholm betalade en låg EU-skatt. Flera riksdagsledamöter var kritiska och Linda Steneberg beklagade sig i ett skarpt brev till talman Birgitta Dahl över deras frispråkighet.