Europeiska byrån för förvaltningen av det operativa samarbetet
vid Europeiska unionens yttre gränser (FRONTEX)

EU Border Agency Frontex Headquarter in Warsaw
Europeiska byrån för förvaltningen av det operativa samarbetet vid Europeiska unionens yttre gränser (FRONTEX)
Frontex samordnar det operativa samarbetet mellan medlemsstaterna när det gäller förvaltningen av de yttre gränserna... samt erbjuder medlemsstaterna nödvändigt tekniskt stöd till genomförandet av gemensamma insatser för återsändande.
Läs mer här här och här.
The Operations Center of the European border security agency Frontex is situated in a windowless room
on the 23rd floor of a high-rise building in the center of Warsaw.
The EU registers everything that happens near its borders.
In contrast to the claims that are often made, they do not look away when refugees die. They are watching very closely.
Maximilian Popp, Der Spiegel 20 April 2015
Warsaw headquarters of Frontex, the European border protection agency, track every single irregular boat crossing and
every vessel filled with refugees.
Since December 2013, the authority has spent hundreds of millions of euros deploying drones and satellites to surveil the borders.
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At the external EU borders, national forces and EU border agency Frontex patrol thousands of kilometres of seas, fences and rivers at great expense.
European border police mingle with African counterparts; defence conglomerates create synergies with research outfits;
and humanitarian organisations and outsourcing groups warehouse those rescued, deported or detained.
FT 26 August 2014
As in the US, an industry has evolved around the “fight against illegal migration”, in which control, rescue and containment functions meld.
Italy’s expensive Mare Nostrum operation, in place since last year’s tragedies off the island of Lampedusa. When arrivals increase, officials ask for more surveillance and intelligence-sharing tools, such as Eurosur, which operates at the EU’s external borders.
Full text at FT
Mare Nostrum
The EU border control agency, Frontex, has come under pressure to continue the bloc's southern border control mission aimed at limiting illegal immigration into the 27-member union.
French centre-right MEP Joseph Daul appealed to EU justice and home affairs commissioner Franco Frattini to push for a restart, as soon as possible, of the so-called "Nautilus II" patrols off the Maltese coast.
03.08.2007 - 09:29 CET By Helena Spongenberg, EU Observer
The month-long Nautilus II, the second patrol mission held in the waters between Sicily, Malta and Libya under coordination of the EU's border control agency Frontex, paused last week due to lack of resources, according to the European Commission.
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När Khaddafi fick jobb som EU:s gränspolis
I början av oktober 2010 åkte EU-kommissionär Cecilia Malmström till Libyen
Annika Ström Melin, Signerat, DNs ledarsida 24 augusti 2011