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The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union

EU Observer about Nice
Progress report on the Intergovernmental Conference on institutional reform på svenska (pdf)

Bara en ofarlig stadga
Huvudledare av Håkan Larsson i Östersunds-Posten 7/12 2000:
I dag ska EU:s regeringschefer vid toppmötet i Nice ta ställning till en speciell rättighetsstadga. Det låter ofarligt, men kan i praktiken innebära att den formella grunden läggs för ett Europas förenta stater.

Balkan nations - Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Federal Yugoslavia, Macedonia and Albania - win EU backing
Financial Times; Nov 25, 2000

Ur ”EU riskerar att förlamas”
Erik Berglöf, chef för Östekonomiska institutet, på DN Debatt 2000-11-24

Blair loses EU allies in battle to keep veto - Daily Telegraph 2000-11-24

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in The Spectator 2000-11-18

Idag verkar vi bevittna ett trendbrott. Motreaktionen slår till och
den andra metoden - mellanstatligheten - vinner anhängare bland EU:s politiska ledare. ROLF GUSTAVSSON i SvD 2000-10-02

The Nice Treaty is intended to place the EU on a constitutional basis by giving it the key attributes of statehood. And yet, such is the din generated by the row over EMU that hardly anyone has heard about what is being proposed.
Daily Telegraph 2000-10-23

Full article

Margot Wallström: Tiden är nog ännu inte mogen för unionen att ta steget till att låta stadgan bli en del av sin bindande lagstiftning. DN Debatt 2000-20-22

Wir brauchen eine europäische Verfassung
Das Werk soll Grundlage eines neuen, föderalen Europas werden.
Die Elemente: die aktuell diskutierte Grundrechtecharta, ein neuer Katalog von Zuständigkeiten und eine deutlichere Gewaltenteilung der europäischen Institutionen
- Nur so kann Europa wieder seine Handlungsfähigkeit als Ganzes zurückgewinnen.
Bundespräsident Johannes Rau

Draft charter of fundamental rights of the European Union

Anna Lindh och Margit Gennser om Biarritz
Ur Snabbprotokoll 2000/01:13 Tisdagen den 17 oktober

Missnöje med EU:s sekretess
Ur DN 2000-09-26, reporter Claes Barkman

Regeringen i Nederländerna stämmer EU:s ministerråd inför EU:s domstol i Luxemburg för brott mot EU:s grundlag sedan ministerrådet i somras beslutade att sätta en generell hemligstämpel på allt som rör EU:s krishantering.

I de nya reglerna står att alla dokument som rör utrikespolitik, militär och ickemilitär krishantering ska klassas som topphemliga, hemliga eller konfidentiella. De hemligstämplade dokumenten finns inte med i några register. Möjligheterna för allmänheten att begära en omprövning av sekretessbeslutet utesluts därmed eftersom ytterst få känner till dess existens.

More than money at stake in Denmark's referendum
By Alan Judd, Daily Telegraph 2000-09-25
Behind the arguments about the krone and the euro lies a sense, among many Danes, that this incremental renunciation of the right to choose is an inevitable consequence of ever-deepening union.
On Thursday they could light a beacon for us all; if not, we shall have to carry the torch by ourselves.

The final draft of the Charter of Fundamental Rights
Daily Telegraph 2000-09-21

The final draft of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, to be presented to European Union leaders in Biarritz next month, has confirmed our worst fears. Couched in broad and far-reaching terms, its articles would effectively end the independence of Britain, and all member states. To take two examples: it declares that everyone has a right to form and join a trade union to protect his interests, and that the employment of children is prohibited.

How would the first impinge on our Armed Forces, and the second on teenagers who do newspaper rounds? One article, inspired by the German model, grants workers co-decision in management. Others establish an absolute right to "gender equality", and undefined rights to health and environmental protection. Most sinisterly, Article 51 speaks of legitimate limitations on the exercise of rights in order to meet "objectives of general interest being pursued by the Union".

This is the re-introduction of the raison d'état that the European Convention on Human Rights, drawn up after the defeat of fascism in the Second World War, sought to consign to oblivion.

The drafting body has produced a Bill of Rights that will lay the foundation for a European Constitution. In June, the Brussels Commission described it as "the final transformation of European integration from its essentially economic origins to a fully fledged political union".

The Blair Government, which accepted the idea of a charter at the Cologne summit last year, argues that it is just a general declaration of principles without legal force. While it is likely that the document will not be incorporated in the Treaty of Nice in December, it can be expected that the European Court of Justice will immediately treat it as a basis for its rulings. A huge new field of civil litigation will thereby be opened, further undermining the independence of our judiciary.

For a country that values its sovereignty, the charter should be an anathema. Cloaked in the popular language of human rights, trying to masquerade as no more than a declaration of welcome principles, it is in fact the most fundamental advance towards a European federation since the Maastricht Treaty. The claims of sweet reasonableness made by its proponents should put all those who believe in the primacy of the nation state on their guard.

The Prime Minister's duty is clear. There should be no weasel words about its non-binding nature. Britain should veto the charter at Biarritz, thus removing it from the Nice agenda two months later. Otherwise, we shall find that its absolutist provisions will change the face of our country - and lead to a revolt that would make the fuel protests look tame. We are confronted here with a quantum leap in European intervention.

Tony Blair was under pressure last night to veto a new European charter of rights after losing the latest round of his fight to prevent new economic and social rights being included.

British business leaders and the Conservatives claimed that the charter - due to be approved by European leaders in December - would open the "floodgates" to new measures damaging to industry.

It includes a new right to strike "at all levels" which business leaders believe could raise the possibility of cross-border industrial action, even though secondary strike action has been illegal since the 1980s.

Full text with several links

"Ett Europa som varken är en superstat eller endast ett frihandelsområde", Göran Persson och Tony Blair

Slå vakt om Europarådet Huvudledare i Östersunds-Posten 15/9 2000 av Håkan Larsson

German president demands a European constitution


Offentlig utfrågning i riksdagen om
EU:s stadga om de grundläggande rättigheterna torsdagen den 18 maj 2000

Charter hos EU
Stadgan om de grundläggande rättigheterna
Med anledning av 50-årsdagen av den allmänna förklaringen om de mänskliga rättigheterna i december 1998 beslutade man vid Europeiska rådets möte i Köln den 3-4 juni att en stadga om de grundläggande rättigheterna skulle utarbetas till slutet av 2000.

Charter hos EU-parlamentet

EU:s rättighetsstadga är ett misstag
Johan Norberg på SvD Brännpunkt 2000-09-11

Bara en EU-kris kan låsa upp positionerna
Rolf Gustavsson i SvD, 2000-09-11

Enlargement presents a chance to put right all that is wrong with the EU
By Hubert Vedrine, French foreign minister.

EU-charter till Biarritz
SvD-ledare 2000-07-10

Gigantiskt projekt SvD 2000-04-06
Allt talar för att konventets arbete i själva verket är inledningen till ett gigantiska federalistprojekt, som ytterst syftar till att de medborgerliga fri- och rättigheterna skall garanteras av Bryssel och inte främst av medlemsstaternas egna konstitutioner.

Margit Gennser i riksdagen om ratificeringen av Amsterdamfördraget

Intergovernmental Conference (IGC)
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Kommissionens IGC-sida
EU-parlamentets IGC-sida


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